03 February 2011

Are the dog days really over?

Last year the Florence song Dog Days are Over used to get me through tough times.
I would cycle around on my bike in all sorts of weather humming along and using my ‘inner voice’ to scream as loud as I could. Little things would get me through.
This year seems to be harder.
The depression hit between 2 and 3 weeks ago and I can’t hack it anymore.  I’ve spoken to people I really trust. General people around me get a vague idea but I don’t think many know the full extent… perhaps a limited couple.
It was suggested that I keep a book with 10 minutes of pure unadulterated mind dribble writing per day. I found it an odd concept at first since I’ve always had the blog to unwind and reveal my inner demons. But maybe the book is a better medium for writing things that I’m not ready for the whole world to know…
For the time being (as well as the blog) the Moleskine notebook shall be my friend.
That and antidepressants of course. 

1 comment:

Julie said...

If you haven't already got it, get yourself a copy of 'Trust Me, I'm a Junior Doctor.' They've been over the same course as yourself and it's a breeze to read. And good luck with the finals..